Senin, 12 Februari 2018

RepuX "Protocol With Existing Blockchain Technology When Developing Specific Solutions for Certain Cases"

What is Repux?

RepuX is a protocol level framework ("RepuX Protocol") where various types of unchanging data can be commoditized and exchanged among various collectors, developers, and corporate users. The RepuX protocol incorporates some decentralized technologies such as the InterPlanetary File System (or IPFS), Sia, Ethereal, EOS, and offers the potential to upgrade to custom high-throughput blockchain. RepuX creates the possibility to share data between data collectors, application developers and data users who are not currently marketed. RepuX provides an opportunity for data producers to create value in their data through facilitating the provision of this data to users in many industries, while eliminating the need for intermediaries in this process.

Technology on RepuX

APIs will allow these markets to be developed by 3rd parties to fit their specific niche. By transferring values ​​and data directly between peers in the protocol, RepuX enables the creation of various possibilities of sharing B2B (business to business) data for aggregate users and aggregate corporate data, which are not on the market today.

The direct and direct transfer of these values ​​through the RepuX token will eliminate the need for intermediaries and intermediaries in some industries. With machine learning, large data and AI become more dependent on large-scale aggregate data, RepuX is ready to take advantage of it and drive innovation in their respective fields.

From here it will arise the question "How does the RepuX work?"

RepuX works by optionally choosing the reputation behind each entity and each transaction, and verified by the oracle system, we can ensure integrity in the protocol and allow actors to be more confident not only present but also the quality of the data they buy. With RepuX, we hope to return the value of user data.

Our vision

Vision and strategy supported by collectors, developers and users will also enable. Through our RepuX Protocol, data collectors transfer data to data users or app developers under the Token RepuX agreement. Developers can build the RepuX Protocol, and use data that is transferred by collectors to produce products and services that can later be transferred to end consumers in various industries, provided that Token RepuX. With the RepuX Protocol, we hope to add value to the data.


RepuX will allow the holder of the RepuX Token to purchase data from the seller in the RepuX Protocol. The RepuX protocol will also allow data sellers to receive payments in Token Repux from individuals or entities that buy their data. In any transaction, whether it is related data or not, it lets users of the Repux Protocol give each other a "reputation". This is a key feature of the RepuX Protocol, as it allows users to evaluate and determine who is trusted and who is not, and will facilitate spam filtering and other wrong data sets offered in the RepuX Protocol.

Token Sale
will take place for a period of 31 days from 6 February 2018 to 9 March 2018. The round will continue until the 33.1 million USD limit is hit or the final round is over. During REPUX Token Sale can be purchased with ETH, BTC or Wire Transfer prizes, with a minimum contribution of 100 USD (or equivalent to 100 USD in BTC or ETH). During Pre-Sale, the minimum contribution is 30,000 USD.

Standard Token:
Supply of Token ERC20: 500.000.000 REPUX
Token Sale Price: 0.20 US Dollar for 1 REPUX.
Token sales ends on March 9, 2018
Start date: February 6, 2018 / 5pm UTC
End Date: Mar 9, 2018 / 5pm UTC
Hard cap: 33.1 million USD
Seal soft: 1,000,000 USD
Payment receives ETH, BTC, XBT and USD via Wire transfer
Supported wallets for Token Sales include MyEtherWallet, Mist-Ethereum Wallet, Metamask, Parity, imToken, Ledger, Trezor, and others.

The Repux team
PRODUCT TEAM, Aleksandra Staszewska
DEV TEAM, Daniel Kmak
DEV TEAM, Przemysław Kocznur
DEV TEAM, Krzysztof Durałek
DEV TEAM, Dawid Rashid
DEV TEAM, Bazshyn Terrace
DEV TEAM, Rafał Książek
DEV TEAM, Damian Babula
DEV TEAM, Pierre Benezech

Advisory Board

ADVISOR TEAM, Mateusz Mach
ADVISOR TEAM, Yagub Rahimov
ADVISOR TEAM, Douglas Pike

Further information:
TELEGRAM: @repuxicoEN ">
THEREAD Announcement:

ETH: 0x795f98Eaa59AeD3d89E9E450b63FFE095fF4f177

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